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How I streamlined my Marketing Copy Generation

Save yourself quite a bit of time by boostrapping your creativity with AI..

I was constantly seeing on social media dozens of influencers tell me the "Best Prompts for Marketing"...

But I wasn't able to understand how they could actually help me. I wasn't able to connect the question to the outcome.

But I decided to give PromptBros a try and here's what I found:

  1. It's not the question but the conversation with the AI that makes it powerful. Feed it good guidance and you'll be amazed at the outputs!
  2. Systematic use is the key - it will stop being alien to you and be more like a ritual... Just like reading your twitter or insta upgrades with your morning coffee, or the latest podcast episode during your morning run.
  3. Experiment! Experiment! Experiment! - after day 3 of using the same AI you may get the "dry-effect". You don't want to sound dull, so be sure to change it up... modify your prompts, modify your asks, modify your provider!

Let's get started shall we?

Creating your Prompt

The part I always spend most time is on creating a Prompt that works for me. I want AI to be an extension of my voice, so giving it the right setup is crucial.

Choose an AI Provider Agent

Choose any Provider you want to use - either when launching a Prompt or when building an Agent.

It is good to test or try out different ones from time to time as they have different styles which means fresher content.

I have found that mixing it up can help, but OpenAI has tended to have consistently better results.

Get your Brief in

Context is key, at the start of each Prompt that I create I give enough information so that the AI knows what role they play.

Asking AI for help

The next step is asking AI for specific tasks or chores you want it to do. Would recommend keeping it succint and focused, but if you need some complex material then you can always ask it to do Step-by-Step and it works like a charm!

Tweak your style

Here's how best to get different styles that suit what I need.

Demeanour or tone of voice is key

  • funny and light
  • formal and professional
  • engaging and enthusiastic
  • charismatic and thoughtful

Tweak your Creations

You can just sit back and enjoy your favourite AI creating optimised content, aligned with the tone and channel you provide it, and then tweak it and perfect it in a matter of minutes.

I also recommend tweaking from time to time, with latest info or your preferences. Testing out different Prompts is a continuous improvement task.

Hope you get the same kicks out of using this as I did creating mine.

You can find my Prompts in my PromptBros Stage. Don't forget to rate my content if you like it!

#MarketingAI #PromptBros #WorkSmarter #AgencyAI #CreativeAI