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I created dozens of AI-Driven e-Commerce Blog Posts in minutes

Step by step to get professional copy content for your website..

How many times do you lack inspiration for writing Blog posts or Social media entries?

I was tasked to refresh our NewsFeed updates with several posts pending and timelines to add them - and on a match day too!

As time is of the essence, and I didn't even know where to start, I needed a productivity tool...

PromptBros to the rescue! Check out below how to turn a brain-wracking 2-hour task into 10mins.

Start your Prompt Engines

What is Prompt Engineering?

Well, to put it simply, it's a structure instructions set (like a game manual) where you tell the AI what to do, what not to do, how to act, etc..

So It's really important it is done well so you can get the best output.

This was my first time I had to think about this prompt... here's what I wrote down as Context:

Please act as an SEO expert blog post writer that is publishing updates about a website.

The tone should be engaging and should be casual, jovial, and even lighthearted.

Please create a series of post entries for the events I will provide.

Play to Win

To help you win, the AI engine needs to know what that looks like... so I added a bit at the end to explain what I wanted.

For all of the events you are creating news for, please expand the content focusing on explaining what the audience and users of the website want to see. If you have any questions about our audience or our website then please ask me to describe them.

These posts can also have images, videos, or links, so please provide suggestions alongside the post so it can be added.

Drop your thoughts raw

Now that the hard part was out of the way... I just feed in a list of bullets with the simple description of what you want the articles to be about.

I also recommend sharing a bit about your Website and your audience as the content created will greatly improve.

Get started PromptBros for free, and check out our docs how to create your first Prompt.

Once you're done, just sit back and enjoy your favourite AI creating optimised News feeds.

Check out one example of our Newsfeed:

Newsfeed AI Example
PromptBros AI Newsfeed

Now go and enjoy that well deserved break!

#ProductivityHack #PromptBros #WorkSmarter #WorkToLive