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Creating your first Prompt

Learn how to use the core Feature of PromptBros and creating your first agent.

Creating a Prompt

Creating a prompt is a simple process accessible in the PromptBros Desk.

In the main Desk view click + New Item and select Prompt. Or on the Prompts tab, simply click + New Prompt.

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Create Prompt

Prompt Identification

1. Confirm basic Prompt details

As you start creating a Prompt you get a pop-up to enter the basic data:

  • Give your Prompt a Title.
  • Select your Prompt Category (eg. Text-to-Text, Text-to-Image, Text-to-Code, etc.) and Model (eg. Perplexity, Claude, OpenAI's GPT, Gemini, etc.) that best suits your Prompt - see Supported Models for more info.
  • You can also select a Prompt Template to follow.
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Prompt Name, Model and Template

Then you can click Create and jump to the main editing view.

2. Make your Prompt Identifiable and Searchable (recommended)

In the main Prompt Overview where you can:

  • Upload, select, or Generate an Image to identify your Prompt - see Generate an Image. (Optional)
  • Add a Description of what your Prompt is for. (Optional)
  • Add one or more Tags for Prompt search and filtering. (Optional)
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Prompt Basic Data

Prompt Content

Tip: Prompt Engineering is easy to learn! See Prompt Engineering for external material and PromptBros examples in our Community User Guides.

1. Prompt Contents

Contents allow separating a Prompt into any type of sub division.

You can have different Contents covering instructions such as Setps (Role, Tone, Format,...), Versions (LLM 0.1, 0.2 ) or any other useful Prompt grouping. And you edit their Name and Description for ease (default "Content 1" name is set for new Content).

When used in an Agent, prompt Contents will be concatened and sent to the selected model.

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Adding Prompt Contents

ChatBro Mode this allows multiple Content to be sent as System Instructions to a Provider to build Advanced Agents. Please see Agents for more on this.

2. Add your Prompt text and parameters

  • Add the core text input to your Prompt.
  • Models allow Parameters - see Models for more information on the parameters available and defaults. (Optional)
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Prompt Text Input

3. Add Files and Notes

  • You can add Media Files such as images, audio and docs to use in your prompts.
  • You can also add Rich Content Notes including Youtube or URL links - please be mindful of our Terms & Conditions.
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Prompt Optional Inputs

Select Your Visibility options

As a final step, you should decide who can see and Collect your Prompt using 3 simple options:

    A. Published - when turned on, this means your Prompt can be viewed and searched by any user in the Library.

    B. Collectable - when Turned on, this means the Prompt can be collected by any user (even Link share).

When Prompts are Collectable, they can have a Price set. In order to Collect them, Users agree to transfer Credits into your Account.

    C. Featured - when Turned On, the selected Prompt will be featured in your Stage (Check Stage for more).

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Prompt Visibility Options

Find out more about the Visibility Options in our Creators and Owners Doc.


Please don't forget to Save your work when you're done! Your new Prompt will appear in your Desk immediately.

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Prompt Successfully Created

Use your Prompt

Select an Agent

Prompts are ran by Agents.

The simplest way to run a Prompt is to Click on a Prompt and in the main Prompt Screen select the "Send to Agent" instructions

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Send to Agent Icon

Then you will see a Pop-up appear to select a System Agents like ChatGPT or Mistral or any of our System Models.

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Prompt Model Selection

Prompts can also be sent to Agents create by Users that you have collected, and your prompt would be used following any initialising Prompts in that Agent - please see Agents and Library for more on this topic.

The Prompt is then visible.

Your Prompt Interaction history will be kept in the Agent that you have used.

Edit or Delete a Prompt

To Edit or Delete a Prompt, simply use the "Edit" or "Delete" option via the PromptBros Desk.

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Edit or Delete Prompt