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This page provides information on Media types supported in the PromptBros Document storage.

All Media will be subject to fair usage policies and verified to comply with PromptBros Terms & Conditions.


PrompBros allows inputs of Text and outputs will always be stored in your Agent interactions for retrieval or use in future Interactions. Text of this type is not stored in your Media Storage.


PromptBros allows Generating Images using any Agent that provides this option and will automatically store outputs into your Media storage.


PromptBros allows Generating Audio using any Agent that provides this option and will automatically store outputs into your Media storage.


PromptBros allows Generating Video using any Agent that provides this option and will automatically store outputs into your Media storage.



At this time, PDF documents are not available to ingest but you can always use the Text option. We will announce this in a Future Release.


At this time, Word documents are not available to ingest but you can always use the Text option. We will announce this in a Future Release.


At this time, excel documents are not available to ingest but you can always use the Text option. We will announce this in a Future Release.