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Creating your first Agent

Getting started with your first Bro.

Creating an Agent - or your Bro - is a simple process done in the PromptBros Desk.

Creating an Agent

In the main Desk view click + New Item and select Agent. Or on the Agents tab, simply click + New Agent.

Create an Agent
Create Agent

Please note that only Creators can build Agents. Please upgrade your plan to create your first agent!

Creator Subscribe
Subscribe to unlock Creator

Agent Identification

1. Confirm basic Agent details

As you start creating an Agent you get a pop-up to enter the basic data:

  • Give your Agent a Title.
  • Select your Agent Category (eg. Text-to-Text, Text-to-Image, Text-to-Code, etc.) and Model (eg. Perplexity, Claude, OpenAI's GPT, Gemini, etc.) that best suits your Prompt - see Supported Models for more info.
  • You can also select an Agent Template to follow.
Create an Agent
Agent Creation Pop-Up

Then you can click Create and jump to the main editing view.

2. Make your Agent Identifiable and Searchable (recommended)

In the main Agent Overview where you can:

  • Upload, select, or Generate an Image to identify your Agent - see Generate an Image.
  • Add a Description of what your Agent is for.
  • Add one or more Tags for Agent quick search and filtering.
Brand your Agent
Brand your Agent in your style

Select your Agent Model Provider

1. Select a Model Provider Click on Select a Provider

Choose a Provider
Select Provider

Use the Drop-down list to select a Model Provider that you want to use for your Agent.

Provider List
Choose from our Provider List

1. Specify a Model

You can select a specific Model version you want your Agent use. You can also leave it unselected and then choose when launching your Agent.

Select Model
Select a Model

To remove a Selection you can click on it, and if you leave the selection Blank then the user can select it at the start of their Agent Interaction.

Core Agent Definition

1. Select your Agent's Prompt

User-created Agents will have a Prompt associated with them.

Click Select a Prompt

Select Prompt
Select a Prompt

And search for from your Prompt list.

Prompt List
Prompt List

You will see main Prompt Details directly in your Agent Editor.

Prompt View
Selected Prompt View

Tip: The Prompt you use can have one or many Contents as start-up instructions to your Agent. See build your first prompt for more info.

You can also create a brand new Prompt - please see the to build your first prompt to find out how.

2. ChatBro Toggle

  • When active, your Agent will auto-start all initial System Prompts by default. This allows for automation of setup and even introduction of content at the start of User Interaction.
ChatBro mode
Activate ChatBro mode

3. Add Agent Notes

  • PromptBros provides a Rich Content Notes Editor so your Agents can have descriptions, instructions, Youtube or URL links, and more. Please be mindful of our Terms & Conditions.

If you are looking for Agents for RAG where you can provide documentation or information to leverage as part of the context for your Agent, please refer to RAG page.

Select Your Visibility options

As a final step, you should decide who can see and Collect your Agent using 3 simple options:

    A. Published - if selected, your Agent can be viewed and searched publicly in the Library.

    B. Collectable - if selected, your Agent can be collected by any user (including Link share).

When Agents are Collectable, they can have a Price set. In order to Collect them, Users agree to transfer Credits into your Account.

    C. Featured - if sellected, your Agent will be featured in your Stage (Check Stage for more).

Agent Visibility Settings
Agent Visibility options

Find out more about the Visibility Options on our Creators and Owners Doc.


Please don't forget to Save your work when you're done!

Quick-Agent Tab

To help you navigate easily, the Agent Tab is a really useful tool. Use the Add Agents icon on the top right in the Library or Desk modes.

Add Agent
Add Agent icon

Add your favourite System Agents

Add System Agents to Quick Chat
Add System Agents to your Quick-chat Tab

and mix them with your Creations and Collected Agents.

Add Custom Agents to Quick Chat
Add Created or Owned Agents to your Quick-chat Tab

You can add up to 8 Agents and edit the list at any time for quick toggling between your most used.

Manage Quick Chat Tab
Quick-chat allows up to 8 Agents